Gunnar Steger

Gunnar Steger

Strategical Partner

Owner STG Trust reg.

No one coins the terms serial entrepreneur and strategic leader in the way Gunnar Steger does. His clients benefit from the experience he has gained from his global entrepreneurial activities over the past 30 years - which are presented selectively below - within the framework of STG Trust reg. in Vaduz. He brings an unparalleled level of experience and expertise in entrepreneurship and strategic leadership

We are honored to have Gunnar Steger as mentor and strategical partner.

  • since 2011
    Board of Directors of GST Network AG, Vaduz
  • since 1997
    Managing Director of Netvision AG, Vaduz
  • since 1996
    Managing Director of STG Trust reg., Vaduz
  • since 1994
    Managing Director of Givag AG, Vaduz
  • since 1992
    Board of Directors of Blue Media AG, Vaduz

  • German
  • English

Gunnar Steger is an external advisor.


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Law Firm Bergt & Partners Ltd.
Buchenweg 6
P.O. Box 743
9490 Vaduz


+423 235 40 15
