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Nos publications couvrent un large éventail de sujets juridiques, y compris le cadre réglementaire des marchés de capitaux, la protection des données, la propriété intellectuelle, et le droit des sociétés et financier. Nous fournissons également une analyse approfondie des développements juridiques au Liechtenstein, gardant nos clients à jour avec les derniers changements dans le paysage juridique.
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Bergt, J. (2024). Decentralized Finance (DeFi): An interdisciplinary overview. Zeitschrift für das Recht der digitalen Wirtschaft (ZdiW), 4(1), 30-41.
Behavioral Finance and Public Policy Insights on Financial Market Regulation
Nomos Publishing, Baden-Baden,
Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a form of finance without central financial intermediaries. This work explores the interplay of behavioral finance and public policy in the emerging field of decentralized finance.
This article first gives a brief overview of blockchain technology and a possible range of its applications under the premise of a decentralized technological environment. The article then highlights the foundations of a sharing economy, outlines the mechanisms of trust in intermediating technology platforms, and finally shows the ways in which disruptive technologies, such as decentralized blockchain technology, can have an impact on a sharing economy.
As the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) ("GDPR") allows Member States to provide for more specific rules on the processing of data of employees, national legislation in this area should be carefully considered and taken into account.
A securities civil law and securities regulatory law analysis from the perspective of Liechtenstein with special consideration of relevant Union acts in Banking and Financial Market Law Liechtenstein, 2nd slightly revised edition, Norderstedt, German, ISBN: 978-3-7504-2737-2737.
Various volumes have been published in this series:
As President von der Leyen stated in her policy guidelines for the new Commission, it is crucial that Europe realizes the full potential of the digital age and strengthens its industrial and innovation capacity within safe and ethical boundaries. Digitalization and new technologies are significantly changing the European financial system and the way it provides financial services to European businesses and citizens.
In Liechtenstein, the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation EU/2016/679; GDPR) is in principle directly applicable. As Liechtenstein is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) and not of the European Union, European regulations must also be incorporated into the EEA Agreement. The EEA Joint Committee decided on 06 July 2018 to incorporate the General Data Protection Regulation into the EEA Agreement (Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No. 154/2018; OJ L 183, 19.07.2018, p. 23).
Nägele / Bergt in Liechtensteinische Juristen-Zeitung, Issue 2 (LJZ 2/18), p. 63
This article shows the potential of "blockchain technology" for Liechtenstein legal users, but also the challenges it poses for the Liechtenstein legal system.
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